Wednesday, 6 November 2013

AGM Dinner 2013 Awards Photos

The award ceremony for the Season 2013 took place at Raj Mahal restaurant on the 6th November 2013. The images of the award winners with their award title are available in this post. 

Awards at the AGM Dinner

1. Best Newcomer (Batsman) - Thusitha Wickramasinghe

2. Best Newcomer (Bowler) - Jude Mudannayake

3. Best Improved Player - Tim Fewster

4. Most Up and Coming Player - James Hamblion

5. Most Up and Coming Bowler - Ben Harris

6. Most Up and Coming Batsman - Saad M Ahmed

7. Best Supporter - John Ferguson

8. Catch of the Year - Paul Remfry

9. Best Catch of the Year - Oliver Mccambridge

10. Best Fielder - Mohammed Malik

11. Best Bowler - Munim Mushfiq

12. Best Batsman - Atiqur Rahman

13. Golden Arm of the Year - Edward Whittle

14.  Best Algerian Player - Abdelatif Lachab

15. Most Ducks - Paul Remfry

16. Most Spirited Player - Shehan Somaratne

And finally 'The Main Man of the Season' - Yameen Monsur Hossain

Mohammed Malik Presenting a gift to the main man of the season

*Note: To download the images 'left click' on them. This will enlarge the image and then 'right click' on the image and click 'save image as'.