Thursday, 24 October 2013

Cricket committee roles and training

Hello all,

I spent one Sunday evening thinking up some committee member roles that may be needed for our growing team and support the smooth management of it. Here are a list of the roles with a brief description of what might be expected of them. Have a read and feel free to put your name forward for any of the roles.
If you can think of anything else or anything I have missed out then do suggest as I clearly haven’t done this before!    

Will oversee the general operation of the team and committee. Conduct AGMs and other off-field meetings
Will be in charge of team funds, collecting membership money, match fees (pitch hire, teas), training session fees etc.
Fixtures officer
Will arrange and organise fixtures, confirm with opposition teams the status leading up to a game etc. Will also be in charge of booking the ground for home games.
Policy officer
Compile (can be done collectively) equal opportunities, child protection and health and safety policies and ensure they are implemented at all times
Match reporter
Write match report at the end of each game capturing the key events and highlights
Webpage design and controller (including playcricket account)
Create and maintain webpage (perhaps through blogspot?) and ensure it is a user friendly page detailing team information, fixtures, results, match reports/archives, gallery etc.
Social officer
Raise awareness of the team to bring in more members as well as organise team social events. If possible, get sponsorship.
Takes the scoresheet/match data from the match reporter and extrapolate to get overall batting, bowling and fielding stats for all the players. To be updated at the end of each match.
Teas organiser (40 over home games only)
Will delegate responsibilities for arranging lunches for home matches. 

We are also hoping to start winter training from Friday 15th November from 5-7pm. I will be booking the nets at the Gloucestershire CC indoor net facilities at the County Ground, let me know if everyone is ok with this.
