Friday, 4 October 2013

Western Flyers CC Update!

Hello all,

Hope you are all doing well.

We are now in October and it is time we start planning to have winter net sessions! The intention is to have this at the Gloucestershire Cricket club indoor net facility on Fridays from 5-7pm. Please let me know your thoughts on this if the timings and location are not ideal for you as it would be great to get as many people involved as possible.I hope to start nets by end of October/start of November on a fortnightly basis and if there is enough interest, we can increase it to a weekly basis.   

Before we start winter net sessions, it will be good to have a get together meal sometime this month. Shehan has suggested a place in Bristol that serve good food and provides an adequate environment to allow us to talk and discuss going forward into the 2014 season. Shehan, please provide details of this place and where it is located so we can start to make arrangements.

With respect to having a new team name, Thanks for all your suggestions and we now have the following candidates –

Great West/Western Aviators CC
Western Flyers CC
Bristol Celtics CC
Dog Leg CC

Let me know your preferred choice and we will go with the majority and announce the team at the dinner!
In addition to the team name, it would be good to assign roles within the team from a management perspective, discuss about committing to 40 over cricket (and the logistics associated with that), membership scheme and an awards ceremony J I will put an agenda together for this and if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
As some of you know, I am also stepping down from captaincy so let me know if you are interested in putting yourself forward for it and we can perhaps appoint the new captain at the dinner.

